Monday, October 1, 2012

Ignore Grey and Call the Midwife

I'm in the throes of a new break-up with someone who's been close to me for over six years. Actually, more than one person... like, eight or nine. They are the cast of Grey's Anatomy.

When the show started in 2005, if I may be so bold, I believe 99% of all creatures with ovaries and a television were hooked. Gorgeous, emotionally-available male doctors; fierce, intelligent female med students with perfectly blown-out hair; stellar writing and plots so exciting you'd occasionally spill some Pinot Grigio onto your faded pajama pants... What was not to love?!

Sadly, I think Grey's has fallen into a predicament that many shows have also succumbed to: not knowing when to say when. Seinfeld is probably the only show I can name that avoided this: they recognized when they had reached their peak and bid audiences adieu, leaving us wanting more but sparing us the risk of additional, sub-par seasons. Unlike, oh, I don't know, LOST, which was all "Oh you like that? Plane crashes, islands, and polar bears? Well how about some time travel? Ancient folklore? Oh, keep going, you say? How about four more seasons and then we'll just end everything without explaining a thing?" In case I haven't said this already, A WAG OF MY FINGER, LOST! You should still be ashamed of yourself...

The Office, as much as I LOVE that show, should have gracefully given their curtain call when Steve Carrell left. I know some people would disagree, and that's fine. I just think the once laugh-until-your-intestines-hurt show is now just "amusing." Plus, it would have been a perfect ending: the staff of Dunder Mifflin finally appreciating Michael Scott and Michael Scott finally getting what he's always dreamed of: his perfect female match.

Sex And the City... PERFECT ending to an incredible series. And then some greedy jerks who saw how sad we were to say goodbye to Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte decided to make not ONE but TWO movies and capitalize on our unwillingness to let go. Was that really necessary? I know some people loved the movies (I found the first one depressing as heck and the second one funny but not show-quality), but if Kate Winslet can let a handsome young Leonardo DiCaprio sink below a frozen ocean, then we CAN let go of Sex And the City. It's time, ladies (and some gentlemen), and if you're looking for a good replacement then check out HBO's "Girls."

Back to my point. I think I had one... Grey's Anatomy has done EVERYTHING and needs to call it a series. Everyone's slept with everyone, everyone's been married and divorced, everyone's performed emergency surgery on everyone else, illegitimate babies have been birthed and adorable orphans have been adopted... not to mention a preview last week promised that the doctors would face THEIR GREATEST CHALLENGE EVER. Um... wasn't the hospital invaded by an insane gunman a couple seasons ago who KILLED half the staff?! Was that NOT their greatest challenge ever?

Plot desperation aside, that's not what made me finally decide to give up on the show. What made me say "STOP IT, GORGEOUS DOCTORS! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" is when I was catching up on an episode from last season and a premature newborn was taken off life support and died in his mother's arms. Not cool, writers! NOT COOL! Everyone knows that a newborn on a show receives a last-minute miracle and LIVES. Those are the rules! Through my hot, angry tears I decided that we were THROUGH. I haven't been this angry since my rant at JJ Abrams...

I have traded Grey's for another show entitled "Call the Midwife." So far, so good... one close call with a premature baby appearing to be stillborn, but LO AND BEHOLD! A last minute miracle and the baby is healthy and cooing in his mother's arms. Now THAT'S how it's done, Hollywood. We could all take a nod from the BBC.

Have I mentioned I think I need to get out more?


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